After waiting in all day I finally received one of the grandest packages ever (drumroll)... a Clavia Nord Wave synthesizer!!
Ok, so that probably means nothing to 99% of you, but it is the centre piece of my new studio ('centre' keeps being underlined in red as though I've spelled it wrong grr!). And that means I can resume my conquest for world fame and fortune, just like Eric Prydz...
I love how it looks like I'm the DJ and Mr Prydz is showing me the respect. Soon, Mr Prydz, soon.
If only I had some cables then I could get started making tunes. I bought some off Ebay last week but they've only just dispatched them, and with an estimated delivery date of one to three weeks!!!??! Are they being delivered by a Mexican immigrant on foot??? I might just fashion some out of a car tyre and a copper kettle in the meantime...
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