In the previous post I mentioned something about falling out of a tree. Well, three weeks later I had a lump on the side of my arse and it wasn't going away. When I touched it I got a really sharp deep pain. Great, cancer, I thought. I'm going to die of arse cancer.
Anyway, a few days later, after coming to terms with my impending, untimely demise, a thought came to me: why don't I give it one last big squeeze? I did and as I winced, blood squirted out and I heard something go 'Ping!'. I looked around and found what can only be described as a thorn the size of a redwood trunk at the side of the sink. This piece of timbre must have made home inside my leg during the tree incident, and safely nestled in there for several weeks.

At least three foot long!
I guess the moral of the story is: don't automatically assume you have cancer when you find a lump, because it could just be a thorn. Or maybe: don't fall out of trees. Take your pick.
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